COMMON project joins the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the UFM Barcelona Process

© Union for the Mediterranean/ENI CBC Med

The COMMON project is one of the ten ENI CBC Med successful initiatives promoted by civil society actors selected by the Programme to showcase the achievements of people-to-people cooperation during a virtual exhibition for the 25th anniversary of the Union For the Mediterranean Barcelona Process. Climate action, environment, and water to local development, social inclusion, job creation, and women and youth empowerment will be the topics of the virtual event.

The year 2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the Barcelona Process, launched in 1995 with the aim of strengthening such relations between Europe and the Southern Mediterranean countries. It is the time to take stock of what has been achieved during a quarter of a century of dialogue and cooperation as well as to reflect on the future of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.

During these 25 years, hundreds of initiatives have served as examples of this commitment in action. From large scale international projects to local initiatives, a consolidated network of cooperation has gradually developed and directly impacted the lives of millions of citizens.

On this occasion, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) has decided to give a special focus to people-to-people cooperation in the Mediterranean by showcasing successful initiatives promoted by the civil society across the Euro-Mediterranean region on priority areas such as climate action, water, local development, social inclusion, job creation, gender equality and youth empowerment. A virtual civil society conference will be held on the 25th of November with a view to highlighting successful initiatives and projects from relevant actors that promote on a daily basis Euro-Mediterranean cooperation on the ground: the ENI CBC Med Programme is one of them. The Programme, along with 10 of its projects have been selected by the Co-Presidency of the Union for the Mediterranean – Jordan and the European External Action Service – as a key partner of the Civil Society Forum.

The Civil Society Forum will be followed by the 5th UfM Regional Forum on 27 November 2020. The meeting will bring together the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the UfM Member States to reaffirm their commitment to the principles of the Barcelona Process and reiterate their engagement in Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and cooperation through the Union for the Mediterranean.

Interested in learning more about the participation of ENI CBC Med Civil Society Forum? Read more