COMMON at Moby Litter, the future we don’t want

On June 26, at 9.00 am, the workshop “Moby Litter, the future we don’t want” will be held in Ancona, at the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences of the Polytechnic University of Marche, and will be focused on the problem of plastic pollution at sea which will be addressed from multiple perspectives.

Among others, Stefania Di Vito, Scientific Office Legambiente Onlus and Cristina Fossi of the University of Siena, two partners of the COMMON project will present the project and will explore the possible solutions to the marine litter issue.

In addition to Legambiente, will speak the main environmental associations – Marevivo and Greenpeace – and leading italian companies in the clean-up, reuse and sustainable use of plastic – Fratelli Guzzini, Garbage group, IRISSRL.

During the event, the Scientific Degree Plan (PLS) in Natural and Environmental Sciences will be discussed, with the intervention of some schools. It will also be an opportunity to inaugurate Moby Litter, a whale skeleton that over time will be filled with the plastics collected on the beaches by schools. Moby Litter will be a visible signal of the importance of research, sustainability and also of training and education.

The interventions will be online and can be followed live on the YouTube channel: 

Here the agenda of the event (Italian)


26 Giu 2020


All Day

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